Routt Recreation & Conservation
The Routt Recreation & CONSERVATION Roundtable is convened to
provide non-binding insights and recommendations to land managers engaged in recreation and conservation planning processes and/or policy decisions in Routt County. The community forum will represent stakeholders and agencies and work to develop a collaborative environment for information sharing, understanding, discussion, collaboration, and input.
In addition to providing non-binding recommendations to land managers within Routt County, the RRCR also serves as a community connector or “connective tissue” between the many ongoing recreation and conservation efforts in the County.
As such, this Conservation & Recreation Strategy was collaboratively developed by RRCR members and identifies areas and gaps in conservation and recreation that the RRCR can support without duplicating existing efforts in the County.This Conservation & Recreation Strategy is organized into three main pillars:Conservation, Destination Management, and Recreation. Under each of these categories nests a Vision, Goals, and Priorities.
Land Oversight Managers